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Thursday, October 14, 2010

OMG Topinky!!!

I have been in Europe for over a month now. Although I am certain I have not seen everything, I will say I have seen/eaten a lot! I was thrilled to come across this Czech treat. I have recollections of my father grating raw garlic on toasted bread but I have no recollection of this! In the Czech Republic they have a special type of bread. I've found the most accurate description to be part sourdough part rye. It's delicious and very dense. The bread is served with many dishes here! I imagine you would have to make your own in the US in order to get it, I can't think of anything remotely similar.

Topinky – by definition is just toast. This is what my dad says. But, I daresay if you go to a restaurant expecting toast from a toaster, you will be surprised by what is delivered. The aforementioned bread is fried until super crispy and served with pieces of raw garlic. The consumer rubs the pieces of garlic on the toast, I like a pinch of salt too, and traditionally that’s it.

This particular version (my first experience) was served as seen in the picture. The traditional “toast” with raw garlic, tomatoes, cabbage (raw), and chicken with spicy tomato sauce. What an amazing combination! There are many different serving options but this is the one we had and it caught my eye. Kutna Hora (the town where the restaurant was) is a small town. I love the explanation of the soup portion of the menu too! "According to the cooks inspiration"

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