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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Svickova na Smetana & Other meats with Sauces and dumplings

I don't like to commit to a lot... I would say particularly when it comes to food... But in all honesty its an all inclusive statement about me. Except where sports are concerned and a select few other topics... People often ask what is your FAVORITE FOOD. Every time I sit down to a meal...I have a new favorite...fickle you might say. I think the be all end all answer to that question would HAVE to be Thanksgiving dinner....

That being said in a very close race at 2nd place would probably be Svickova na Smetana. Pictured with the whipped cream and currant jam garnish. Its a loose Czech version of Sauerbraten and many great recipes can be found online. A constant complaint about Svickova is how time consuming it is...I will tell you I have made it for 200 and it was worth every second of my time...

I was going to do a separate post for each plate. However, I was finding a constant in many of the plates.

Meats - Fantastic in variety, from the mundane although noteworthy beef and pork, to the amazing rabbit, duck and venison. The best part about the latter from a chef standpoint is the difficulty in cooking these meats. They are delicate and can easily be overdone or not cooked properly and thus ruining them. I haven't had a bad bite yet:) Happy Jana!

Starch - Rice, Potatoes, Boiled Fried Mashed, can you get a potato wrong? Or my personal favorite, Klednike - Dumplings... Heavenly slices that should be light and yet strong enough to withstand the sauces and meats they are paired with.

A veg is not usually served. There can be stewed red cabbage which is a heavenly creation and should be tried. Its sweet and sour and often the perfect tangy accompaniment to these rich dishes.

A good beer also is always a good accompaniment!!

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